CV19 Deaths
Whites 93,000
Blacks 37,000
Latino 35,000
Always a 100 ways to spin a Headline to support an argument. By taking data and stats while changing words.
“Homicide 3rd highest cause of death for black males”
”Homocide #1 cause of death black males ages 16-35”
”Homocide 5th leading cause of death among blacks”
I can use Total, Per 100,000 or population % in many different ways to support a headline. So before someone uses the (well blacks only make up 13%) argument, remember it will support and also hurt other arguments if you go that route.
For example (the 13% argument)
16% of White homocide are committed by blacks (13%pop)
7% of Black homocide are committed by whites (57%pop)
Whites are 17x more likely to be killed by blacks
Blacks are 320x more likely to be killed by blacks
0.000126% odds of black Americans being killed by police
1 out of 11,000 blacks will die by murder by another black
1 out of 623,000 blacks will die by police
1 out of 65,000 blacks will die by drowning
0.0015% odds of drowning if black (better odds you drown than killed by cops)
81% of drownings are white (whites can’t swim apparently)
7.2% of drownings are black (such good little swimmers)
”Water is racist as it kills blacks 6.7x more than whites as blacks only make up 13% pop”
Single family homes
59% black
33% hispanic
21% white
Single family homes
3,800,000 black
3,300,000 hispanic
9,200,000 white
“Whites account for the most single family homes”
”Blacks have the highest % of single family homes in USA”
”Over 9 million white family homes are single as the most of any race in USA”
”6 out of 10 blacks are single family homes”
”2 out of 10 whites are single family homes”.